April 9, 2017 - White Sands National Park
Alamogordo, New Mexico

We arrived in Alamagordo, drove into the Air Force Base, and met Maggie.  She was happy to see us, and get her car!

The main thing to do in Alamagordo is to go hiking in the nearby White Sands National Park.  I had been to White Sands before, on one of my long cross-countries -- Link -- but then I only had time to drive through the park a little.  I made a vow then to come back and hike it someday.  That day had arrived!  On this trip we would do it right -- the five mile Alkali Flat loop trail.

But first, we bulked up on pancakes and coffee at a local diner.

Maggie and Don excited to go on onto the White Sands.
Warning!  Warning!  You can get yourself into a life-threatening situation on in the White Sands.  It wasn't especially hot today -- I think in the 70s -- but we still made sure we were well-coated with sunscreen and had at least a gallon of water each.
Here we go!
Right away, we discovered it was tough going up the big sand dunes.
I found it very scenic.
Maggie trekking across the White Sands.
There were many areas where you were down in a dune valley and could see nothing but white.
Fortunately the trail was well-marked; we had no trouble staying on trail.
At the end of the loop, we came out of the dunes and to the edge of the Alkali Flats.  The flats go from here all the way to those mountains.

Water break!  I'm chowing down on some Oreo cookies as well.

Check out my old-school canteen.  I've had it my whole life and this may be the first time I ever used it.

Having a great time in the White Sands.  My new hat works great!
Somehow, plants grow in this hostile environment.  Not sure what kind of plant that tall one is; maybe a Yucca?
The sand is firm here.
Taking another water break.
Don out on the flats.
Now on the back half of the loop trail.
Maggie's down!
Yep, they have lost people who hike this trail when it's 90 degrees plus and they only have a bottle of water.
That's as white as white gets.
Taking it one step at a time.
About this time I saw a Chik-Filet in the distance, selling ice-cold strawberry milkshakes.
How much longer?
Civilization spotted in the distance!

WE MADE IT!    Just in time, I had no water left.  That's the hood of Maggie's car at bottom.

What an awesome hike.  Recommended.
